
Monster Hunter Freedom

Veggie Elder Trade List

Forest & Hills Elder (Area 7)
Spiderweb --> Special Mushroom
Garbage --> Dung
Scatternut --> Special Mushroom
Iron Ore --> Sm Monster Bone (Mystery Bone)
Earth Crystal --> Med Monster Bone (Bone)
Machalite Ore --> Lg Monster Bone (Mystery Bone)
Lightcrystal --> Rathian Spike (Lg Monster Bone)
Firestone --> Majestic Horn (Rathalos Wing)
Firecell Stone --> Pale Khezu Steak (Gravios Carapace)
Insect Husk --> Special Mushroom
Kut-ku Shell --> Plesioth Scale (Cephalos Scale)
Kut-ku Ear --> Plesioth Fin (Piscine Fang)
Long Kut-ku Ear --> Joiner Grasshppr
SmlBlueKut-KuEar --> Monster Bone+ (King Scarab)
Power Extract --> Piscine Jaw (Med Monster Bone)
Sm Monster Bone --> Sm Bone Husk (Mystery Bone)
Cephalos Fin --> Rathalos Webbing
Pale Khezu Steak --> Rathian Scale+ (Rathian Carapace)
Pale Lips --> Lg Lobstershell (Sm Lobstershell)
Rathian Plate --> Lao Shan's Claw (LaoShan's Scale)
Rathian Spike --> Monster Broth (Monster Fluid)
Rathalos Plate --> Lao Shan's Claw (LaoShan's Scale)
Rathalos Tail --> Monster Broth (Monster Fluid)
Azre Rthlos Scl+ --> Rathalos Scale+
Crimson Horn --> Rathalos Tail (Wyvern Marrow)
Majestric Horn --> Wyvern Marrow (Rathalos Tail)
Gravios Carapace --> Diablos Spine (Iodrome Hide)
Gravios Wing --> Hornet Bladefin
Gravios Head --> Mosswine Head
Diablos Spine --> Gravios Carapace (Gendrome Hide)
Blos Fang --> Rathian Claw (Lg Monster Bone)
Blos Jaw --> Rathalos Webbing (Rathalos Tail)
Monoblos Spine --> Diablos Tail (Twisted Horn)
Kirin Thndr Tail --> Gravios Wing
Gt Lobstershell --> Rthlos Brainstem
Pawprint Stamp --> Mega Pickaxe (Iron Pickaxe)
Egg Ticket --> Mega Pickaxe
Commendation --> Monster Fluid (Vespoid Shell)
Grt Sword Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Saber Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Lance Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Hammer Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
Gunner Ticket --> Dragon Toadstool (Godbug)
VeggieElderTcket --> Demondrug (Power Seed)
VegElderTcktBrz --> Wyvern Marrow
VegElderTcktSlv --> Rathalos Plate (Rathian Plate)

Swamp Elder (Area 1)

Garbage --> Disk Stone
Toadstool --> Special Mushroom
Blue Mushroom --> Special Mushroom
Insect Husk --> Special Mushroom
Sm Monster Bone --> Iron Ore (Disk Stone)
Med Monster Bone --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Flame Sac --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Long Kut-ku Ear --> Union Ore
Giant Beak --> Lightcrystal (Machalite Ore)
Rubbery Hide --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Vespoid Bladefin --> Lightcrystal (Ruststone)
Hornet Bladefin --> Firestone (Union Ore)
Cephalos Fin --> Iron Ore
Pale Bone --> Union Ore
Rathalos Claw --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Rathian Claw --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Rathian Shell --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Rathalos Wing --> Lightcrystal (Ruststone)
Wyvern Marrow --> Lightcrystal (Ruststone)
Rthlos BrainStem --> Firecell Stone (Carbalite Ore)
Crimson Horn --> Machalite Ore (Ruststone)
Majestric Horn --> Ruststone
Basarios Shell --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Basarios Wing --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
Gravios Carapace --> Lightcrystal (Dragonite Ore)
Gravios Head --> Firestone
Monoblos Spine --> Machalite Ore (Earth Crystal)
LaoShan Thoracic --> Firestone
Pawprint Stamp --> Earth Crystal
Egg Ticket --> Machalite Ore
Commendation --> Lightcrystal (Macahlite Ore)
Grt Sword Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Saber Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Lance Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Hammer Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
Gunner Ticket --> Earth Crystal (Iron Ore)
VeggieElderTcket --> Max Potion
VegElderTcktBrz --> Expand Pickaxe (Lightcrystal)
VegElderTcktSlv --> Novacrystal

Jungle Elder (Area 5)

Garbage --> Needleberry
Iron Ore --> Potion (Rare Steak)
Insect Husk --> Special Muschroom
Flame Sac --> Demondrug
Sleep Sac --> Armorskin (Armor Seed)
Electro Sac --> Immunizer (Catalyst)
Poison Sac --> Lifecrystals (Antiseptic Stone)
Stun Sac --> Catalyst (Nutrients)
Thunderbug --> Mega Potion (Antidote)
Mystery Bone --> Blue Mushroom
Mosswine Hide --> Max Potion (Lifepowder)
Velociprey Hide --> Honey (Red Pepper)
Genprey Hide --> Honey (Red Pepper)
Ioprey Hide --> Honey (Red Pepper)
Genprey Hide --> Hot Pepper
Piscine Fang --> Power Extract (Power Juice)
Plesioth Fin --> Power Extract (Power Juice)
Grn Plesioth Fin --> King Scarab
Cephalos Fin --> Power Extract (Power Juice)
Rathalos Claw --> Demondrug
Rathian Claw --> Armorskin (Armor Seed)
Rathalos Scale --> Catalyst (Herbal Medicine)
Rathian Scale --> Catalyst
Rathalos Shell --> Dragon Seed (Dragon Toadstool)
Rathian Shell --> Dragon Seed (Dragon Toadstool)
Wyvern Marrow --> Power Pill (Armor Pill)
Blos Fang --> Mega Juice (Power Juice)
Blos Jaw --> Mega Juice (Pale Extract)
Lg Lobstershell --> Power Pill (Mega Demondrug)
Pawprint Stamp --> Mega Bugnet
Egg Ticket --> Bugnet
Commendation --> Mega Nutrients (Nutrients)
BBQ Ticket --> Well-Done Steak
Grt Sword Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Saber Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Lance Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Hammer Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
Gunner Ticket --> Catalyst (Hot Drink)
VeggieElderTcket --> Armorskin (Armor Seed)
VegElderTcktBrz --> Max Potion (Lifepowder)
VegElderTcktSlv --> Master's Skull

Note: the left item in paranthises is the 2nd choise of what you might get. Some with just one are the only items.

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