Skill points
Jowai Resort, Pokitaru
Do cows get crabby?: Turn 25 crabs into cows with the Mootator/Armoogeddon
Veta Jungle, Ryllus
Lights, Camera, Action!: Kill 10 floating cameras
Ship It: Break all the crates on the level
Junkyard LXIV, Metalis
Shutout: Win a Gadgebot Toss challenge without letting anyone else score
Ultimate Gladiator : Successfully complete all Clank arena challenges
Friends Don't hurt Friends: Get through the Giant Clank fight without taking a single hit
Technomite City, Challax
Take Them Down A Shock: Kill 23 Shock Troopers without dying
High Tech Weapons Master: Defeat the enemy without using the Lacerator, Acid Bomb Glove, RYNO, Concussion Gun, Shock Rocket, Sniper Mine, Laser Tracer
Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon
Ultimate Gladiator: Successfully complete all Clank arena challenges
Clone Factory, Quodrona
Elite Annihilation: Defeat over 70 Elite Clones during the Elite Clone fight