
Star Ocean: First Departure

Star Ocean: First Departure Cheats...

  Star Ocean: First Departure Walkthroughs

   Easy Fol...
   Experience Trick...
   No random encounters...
   Saving money...
   Voice collection...

Easy Fol

It's easier to do this with a high level Group Appraisal super specialty where you can control the prices of the shops at will. Using the Contraband super specialty, keep creating materials until you get Forged Bills, Checks, Stocks, Documents, etc. These can be sold at a really high amount if you Raise the price using the Group Appraisal super specialty. Use this trick to earn millions of fol early in the game.

Experience Trick

Using the Super Specialty Skill Contraband, keep forging materials until you get the Counterfeit Medal. When used on a character, it will reduce the required EXP to 1. The higher the Contraband level, the better chances of producing this item. Since it is hard to produce, Replicating it is a viable solution. You'll need a Magic Camera and some Magic Films to attempt to reproduce it. If is advisable to have a maxed out Imitation skill before attempting. Try to create a RIRICA camera through Machinery specialty to increase your replication chances dramatically! Note: Do this beside a shop so you can sell Bounced Checks immediately; leaving them in your inventory will eat up your funds until you sell them.

No random encounters

Remove the UMD during game play to avoid random encounters. Note: Replace the disc before any important event to avoid crashing the game.

Saving money

Get the Survival skill by leveling up your Herbology and Resilience in the first town you go to after the time portal. Go out to the world map. Enter any forest area or just remain on the world map. Keep doing survival. You will get random ingredients. Also, if you level up your Survival skill it becomes easier to obtain and you will get better ingredients.

Voice collection

Successfully complete the game to unlock the voices of the characters in your party for all of your saves.

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