
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Cheats...

  Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Walkthroughs

   Fall with elevator...
   Increased Melee Damage...
   M-134 Minigun...
   M4 Silenced weapon...
   Multiplayer weapons...
   Online Badges...
   R1 multi-player rank...
   SP-57 weapon...
   Training Rewards...
   Unlock Birds Of A Feather...
   Unlock FAMAS weapon...
   Unlock Goodnight, Sweetheart...
   Unlock Jimmy Zhou's Army...
   Unlock M1 Super 90 weapon...
   Unlock M16A2 weapon...
   Unlock M249 SAW weapon...
   Unlock M4 Carbine weapon...
   Unlock Shot Defender weapon...
   Unlock SMAW rocket launcher we...
   Unlock Trapped In The Hornets ...
   Unlock UNP.45 weapon...
   Unlock Up A Column Without A P...


Complete the "headshots" goal in mission 6-1.

Fall with elevator

Start level 6-2 (Into The Abyss). Kill all the guards in this little area, but make sure not to lose any health. Go through the door directly ahead, then go to the left. Do not kill the civilian. Then go to the right to where the elevator blows and go into the intermission sequence. Run to the platform. Go down the ladder and shoot open the door so that the civilians can get out. Do not get off the elevator. Instead, go to the back right corner and stay there. You will fall with the elevator and lose much of your health. However, you will not be dead and can see through the walls. Note: The only way to exit is to die.

Increased Melee Damage

Only available online. Increases your damage done by melee moves such as kicking and elbowing.

M-134 Minigun

In the "Jimmy Zhou's Army" bonus mission, the last enemy before Zhou will have a minigun. Kill him when he is not against a wall. You will most likely be able to retrieve the minigun.

M4 Silenced weapon

Get 10 headshots in Mission 7-1 under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the M4 Silenced in Mission mode.

Multiplayer weapons

Each time you rank up or obtain certain badges in multiplayer, you unlock new weapons. These weapons are unlocked for Multiplayer use only. Guns are listed in order, Team 1 weapons first and Team 2 weapons second.

EffectHow to unlock

Online Badges

Here are ways to earn/unlock badges while playing online Multiplayer.

EffectHow to unlock

R1 multi-player rank

Get 70 kills in multi-player mode.

SP-57 weapon

Successfully complete Training Mission 1 with a time less than 1:35. To do this, go halfway through the mission until you reach the point where you must use the night vision goggles to find the code and unlock the door. When you reach this point after crawling through the crawl space, turn right and climb over the crate. Go forward until you fall off, and there will be a crate directly on your right. Climb it and there will be a zip-line. This will take you to the end of the mission.

Training Rewards

From the main menu select single player. Then select training mode. Then choose the training level you wish to try.

RewardHow to unlock

Unlock Birds Of A Feather

Successfully finish Story mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Unlock FAMAS weapon

Successfully finish the 2nd training mission in single player mode under 3 minutes.

Unlock Goodnight, Sweetheart

Beat all the time limits in all Training missions.

Unlock Jimmy Zhou's Army

Successfully finish the Birds Of A Feather bonus mission.

Unlock M1 Super 90 weapon

Destroy 5 DU containers in Mission 4-1 in single player mode.

Unlock M16A2 weapon

Destroy 5 DU containers in Mission 4-2 in single player mode.

Unlock M249 SAW weapon

Successfully finish the KemSynth Tower mission with a time less than 2:45.

Unlock M4 Carbine weapon

Destroy 5 DU containers in Mission 4-3 in single player mode.

Unlock Shot Defender weapon

Finish the Sana Yemen mission with a time less than 3:40.

Unlock SMAW rocket launcher weapon

Shoot all the small warheads in Mission 4-3.

Unlock Trapped In The Hornets Nest

Get all Combat Sharp Shooter patches.

Unlock UNP.45 weapon

Successfully finish training mission three without wasting a shot.

Unlock Up A Column Without A Paddle

Get all Elite Weapons Expert patches.

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