
Valhalla Knights 2

Machine race

Unlocking the Machine race requires a lot of walking back and forth. First, complete the "Undiscovered Land" quest. This will let you go to Hokabi. Then, do the "Unopened Gate" quest. Next, complete the "Important Key" quest, which will let you go to Fortmas. Do the "Secret Route Open" quest to let you teleport from Biblos to Fortmas and back. Next, complete the "Top Secret File" quest. Do the "Contest" quest where a Samurai named Kyo will join. Next, do the "New Guild" quest which will let you teleport between Biblos and Hokebi and back. Finally, do the "Mod Maniac's Partner" quest which will let you make Machine allies. Note: Machines can use any weapon but no armor. You can melt down any armor you have and add the stats the armor had to the Machine. The first armor type you use will determine the Machine's color. For example, if you use a Bane +1 Chain Leg it will turn the Machine purple. Machines have six body types and six engines types.

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