
Warriors, The

Warriors, The Cheats...

  Warriors, The Walkthroughs

   99 Credits In Armies Of The Ni...
   All weapon dealers unlocked...
   Cheat Codes...
   Get bat...
   Get pipe...
   Handcuff drops...
   Handcuff key drops...
   Infinite sprint...
   Uncuff self...
   Upgrade bum advice...
   Upgrade combat stamina...
   Upgrade Flashhead...
   Upgrade hobo allies...

99 Credits In Armies Of The Night

During gameplay in Armies of the Night. Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right.

All weapon dealers unlocked

While playing the game, press Right, R, Circle, X, Select, Square.

Cheat Codes

Enter the following cheats during game play, not paused.

Code - Effect

L, Select, Square, Down, L, Right - 100% completion in story mode
Down, Square, X, Select, R, Left - Complete current mission
Up, Triangle, R, Select, X, L - Unlimited Health
Square, Circle, Triangle, Select, X, Left - Unlimited Rage
Circle, Circle, Circle, L, Select, Triangle - Get Brass Knuckles
Down, Down, Select, Up, Up, L - Get knife
L , X , R(2), Select, R - Receive a Machete
L, L, Circle, Up, Circle, Select - Unbreakable Bat
L, X, R , L, L, Circle - Upgrade Flash Capacity

Get bat

While playing the game, press Square, R, Down(2), L(2).

Get pipe

While playing the game, press R, Circle, Select, Up, L, Right.

Handcuff drops

While playing the game, press Up, X, Up, Select, L(2).

Handcuff key drops

While playing the game, press Left, X(2), R, L, Down.

Infinite sprint

While playing the game, press Down, Square, Left, X, L, Select.

Uncuff self

While playing the game, press Triangle(3), Select, Triangle, R.

Upgrade bum advice

While playing the game, press Circle(2), Down, R, L, Circle.

Upgrade combat stamina

While playing the game, press X, L, Down, Square, Up, X.

Upgrade Flashhead

While playing the game, press Down, Left, Up(2), Square, Right.

Upgrade hobo allies

While playing the game, press R(2), L, R, L, Up.

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