
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition Cheats...

  Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition Walkthroughs

   Cucco's Fury...
   Medal List...
   Raising Maximum Fairies in My ...
   Reuse the Same Compass Item Ca...

Cucco's Fury

Cucco's Fury is a special section in Challenge Mode where you play the Ganon's Fury challenges as a giant Cucco character instead. In order to unlock this section, you will need to clear the "Survival Lv.4" challenge in Ganon's Fury with an A rank. The mode will become available immediately after.

Medal List

Medals serve as the equivalent to Achievements or Trophies in this game. They unlock upon completion of various goals in-game, such as clearing out Maps, beating modes, or completing some side goals. Medals range in three tiers, loosely based off difficulty in obtaining them: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Unlocked medals can be viewed in the Gallery menu under "Medal List".

UnlockableHow to unlock

Raising Maximum Fairies in My Fairy Mode

When you first unlock the use of fairies in game, you are only allowed to keep 5 fairies at one time. However, there is a way to raise the maximum amount. Each map in Adventure Mode has a "final" stage with Ganon as the final enemy. (Killing him will trigger the credits) Each final stage completed will raise your maximum fairy count by one. There are nine full maps, so it is possible to hold up to 14 fairies if all final stages are cleared.

Reuse the Same Compass Item Card in Adventure Mode

Normally all item cards in the Adventure Mode maps are single use, but this trick will allow you to use the same Compass card multiple times without the need to earn / buy another. When using the Compass on a square that allows it, an area will sparkle as a hint, along with a message prompt starting you found a suspicious area. When the message prompt appears, DO NOT press A to continue (otherwise the game will autosave and you will lose that item card forever). Instead, hit the HOME button and quit the game. When you restart the game and head into Adventure Mode, you'll see that you'll still have the same amount of Compass cards in your posession. You can use this trick to get multiple hints with the same card, making finding the hidden spots to use items much simpler.

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