
TV Sports Football Cheats...

  TV Sports Football Walkthroughs

   Better hands...
   Championships passwords...
   Faster team...
   Five minute quarters...
   Good start...
   More ability...
   More fumbles...
   More strength...
   No blocked or intercepted pass...
   No fullback tackles...
   Super team...
   Ten minute quarters...

Better hands

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter SUPERHANDS as a password and use the "End" option.

Championships passwords

Enter one of the following passwords to play in the corresponding game.

Game Password

Multi-player championship PTVY
Championship game BQVZECUVQEXTS
Canadian League championship game GDMDOCI
Championship with Tidal Waves vs. Sharks BCSVMDPDJAZRT

Faster team

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter SUPERSPEED as a password and use the "End" option.

Five minute quarters

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter FIVEMINUTES as a password and use the "End" option.

Good start

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter ULTIMATEWIZ as a password and use the "End" option. Game play will begin with your team having 28 points in the first quarter.

More ability

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter SUPERAGILITY as a password and use the "End" option.

More fumbles

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter CORNBREAD as a password and use the "End" option. The opposing team will fumble the ball 50% of the time on offensive plays.

More strength

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter SUPERSTRENGTH as a password and use the "End" option.

No blocked or intercepted passes

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter GOLDIELOCK as a password and use the "End" option.

No fullback tackles

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter THECOOKER as a password and use the "End" option. The opposing team will not be able to tackle your fullback.

Super team

Select the "Clipboard" option to view the teams. Press II, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up three times, II, then choose a team on the team selection screen.

Ten minute quarters

Select exhibition mode and choose a visiting team. Press II + Select to enter password mode. Enter TENMINUTES as a password and use the "End" option.

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