Class | How to unlock
| - lvl 15 Female Fighter and lvl 15 Female Healer.
| - lvl 15 Male Fighter and lvl 15 Male Healer.
| - Heavy Knight and Monster Tamer Lv 40.
| - Geo Master and Healer Lv 25.
| - Fist Fighter and Healer level 20.
| - Female Thief and Mage level 15.
| - Thief and Male Mage level 15.
| - Male Fighter and Fist Fighter(?) level 15.
| - Fighter and Mage level 25.
| - Clear 2nd play through turtorial.
| - Thief and gunner level 45.
| - Female Fighter and Fist Fighter(?) level 15.
| - lvl 30 Female Monk and lvl 30 Female Magician.
| - lvl 30 Male Monk and lvl 30 Male Magician.
| - lvl 35 Female Fighter and lvl 35 Female Archer.
| - lvl 35 Male Fighter and lvl 35 Male Archer.
| - Geo Master and Mage Lv 25.
| - Possess Level 50+ female mage.
| - Possess Level 50+ male mage.