Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
| - Attack an enemy asteroid and destroy 200 seedlings in the process.
| - Battle for an enemy asteroid for ten minutes.
| - Destroy ten enemy seedlings using a mine explosion.
| - Defend one of your own asteroids continuously for five minutes.
| - Gather ten flowers on an asteroid.
| - Find over 600 of the lost seedlings in the game.
| - Record all of the Ancient Artifacts.
| - Complete Dark Matter Mode.
| - Land a beacon seed on an enemy asteroid.
| - Complete the campaign in under ten hours.
| - Complete The Centre Cannot Hold' within 60 minutes.
| - Attack an enemy asteroid and lose 300 seedlings in the process.
| - Gather five mines on an asteroid.
| - Complete 'Protection' without destroying anyone else's trees.
| - Send a flower or a mine over 50000 arbitrary distance units.
| - Complete '200' without any of your own trees being destroyed.
| - A pitched battle that lasts over 15 minutes and incurs 500 losses between all sides.
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| - Discover an asteroid using a flower or a mine.
| - Terraform an asteroid to maximum attributes.