
Foul Play

Foul Play Cheats...

  Foul Play Walkthroughs

   Easy "AMAZING SCENES!" trophy...
   Easy "To me, to you" trophy...
   Various Trophies...

Easy "AMAZING SCENES!" trophy

Unlock and equip the Rabbit's Foot Charm, which gives +3 to your combo for every successful parry. Choose an area with several regular enemies that are easy to parry. Repeatedly parry in a group of four or five enemies to boost your combo.

Easy "To me, to you" trophy

During Play 2 Act 1, there are heavy werewolves that throw smaller ones. Catch the werewolves that are being thrown at you. Note: Hitting an enemy into the air against the side "wall" of the screen and catching them while in mid-air also qualifies.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

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