
Mutant Mudds Deluxe Cheats...

  Mutant Mudds Deluxe Walkthroughs

   Moon levels...
   Play as Brown Haired Guy...
   Play as Granny...
   Play as Spooky Worlds 1-1 hidd...
   Play as Spooky Worlds 2-1 hidd...
   Play as Spooky Worlds 4-1 hidd...
   Various Trophies...

Moon levels

Complete the first sixteen normal levels to unlock a jump pad to the Moon levels.

Play as Brown Haired Guy

Unlock Granny and enter the mirror in the main hub to access the Spooky Worlds. Go to Spooky World 3-1 and find Brown Haired Guy.

Play as Granny

Collect all Water Sprites and Golden Diamonds in the normal worlds.

Play as Spooky Worlds 1-1 hidden character

Go to Spooky World 1-1 and boost upward at the start to find the hidden character.

Play as Spooky Worlds 2-1 hidden character

Go to Spooky World 2-1 and boost upward at the first checkpoint to find the hidden character.

Play as Spooky Worlds 4-1 hidden character

Go to Spooky World 4-1 and boost upward at the start to find the hidden character.


Collect gold diamonds to unlock various power-ups at Granny's Attic.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

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