Raid mode bonuses
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Alex Wesker: Complete the Campaign and Omega Raid Stage.
Barry Burton's S.T.A.R.S. Costume: Earn 40 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Chris Redfield: Earn 30 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Cipher (hologram): Earn 90 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Claire's Resident Evil 2 Costume: Earn 50 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Gabe: Complete Episode 2.
Gina Foley: Complete Episode 1.
Jill Valentine: Earn 10 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Leon Kennedy: Earn 20 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Moira Burton: Complete Episode 1.
Moira's Survivor Costume: Complete the Campaign and Raid Gauntlet 8 (VIII) under the Hard or higher difficulty.
Neil: Complete Episode 3.
Pedro: Complete Episode 2.