
Salt and Sanctuary

Salt and Sanctuary Cheats...

  Salt and Sanctuary Walkthroughs

   Debug Menu...
   Infinite Salt...

Debug Menu

During gameplay, hold the L-trigger, the the upper-left corner of the touchscreen and move the right analog stick in any direction to display the debug menu. Continue holding the L-trigger and the touchscreen, and use the right analog stick to navigate the menu. Pressing left or right on the right analog stick switches pages of options, up and down scrolls the page. Press the upper right corner of the touchscreen to activate the highlighted option. Note: This may be patched out in a future update of the game.

Infinite Salt

In-game select a salt item. Enter the game menu, go to options, choose to exit the games, and before confirming, hold your finger in the lower right corner. Confirm exiting the game, and you should see the character perform the use animation before the screen goes black. Reload your game, and you will be credited the amount of salt for the item while still having it in your inventory. Repeat as many times as you like.

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