

Ultratron Cheats...

  Ultratron Walkthroughs

   Easy "100000 shots fired" trop...
   Easy "Salvation" and "Supervis...
   Various Trophies...

Easy "100000 shots fired" trophy

A level will not end until all its enemies have been killed. Find an enemy that does not move and will not fire at you. Then, kill every other enemy except for that one. After those conditions are met, hold [Fire] and allow the game to idle. It will take several hours to earn "100000 shots fired". Keeping [Fire] mechanically depressed is recommended.

Easy "Salvation" and "Supervisory Position" trophies

Start a new game and complete the first level. Purchase a smartbomb. During level 2, wait for all the enemies to spawn while dodging them. Then, use the smartbomb.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

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