
Armed and Dangerous Cheats...

  Armed and Dangerous Walkthroughs

   Big Boots...
   Big Hands...
   Big Heads...
   Fill Ammo...
   Fill Health Bar...
   God Mode...
   Infinite Ammo...
   Play Any Level...
   To be Invincible...
   Topsy Turvy...
   View Any Movie...

Big Boots

Press R, White, Y, A, L, B, White, X at the code entry screen.

Big Hands

Press R, White, X, L, White, R(2), Y at the code entry screen.

Big Heads

Press L, Black, B, White(2), B, Black, L at the code entry screen.

Fill Ammo

Press Black, B, A, R(2), A, L, Black during game play.

Fill Health Bar

Press X, R, A, Y, Black, B, A, R at the code entry screen.

God Mode

Press Y, A, B, X, B, A(2), L at the code entry screen.

Infinite Ammo

Press A, L(2), Black, B, White, L(2) at the code entry screen.

Play Any Level

Press Y, White, Black, L, A, R(2), Y at the code entry screen.

To be Invincible

Press X(3), R, A, L(2), Y at the code entry screen.

Topsy Turvy

Press Y, A, B(2), A, B, White(2) at the code entry screen.

View Any Movie

Press A, Y, A, Y, Black, R, A, Y at the code entry screen.

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