
Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon

Hints During Battles

In order to use Bruce Lee efficiently is by taking out the other enemies and then when they are stunned and knocked out, concentrate on one of them. When you have defeated him go back to the other enemies and use multiple enemy attacks such as Multiple Jump Kick, Multiple Hurricane Kick and Multiple Low Spin Kick. If you have trouble getting close to an enemy he/she might be backing up, so lock on to someone else ( I call this taking turns) it seems as though the enemies are taking turns, some of them back up and you see the others get close to you. In later levels though this dissappears and you deal with all of them at the same time. When it comes to sub-bosses and bosses use moves like Counters and Throws. Early in the game these attacks won't be available so always be prepared to block. When fighting sub-bosses and bosses always use the block if you anticipate an attack. This will greatly help you to Counter and Throw when he/she is near you after a blocked attack. Using these strategies in unison with the Dragon Tokens can have devastating effects.

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