
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Fighting Bio

Some of you may remember me from Buffy: Chaos Bleeds for PS2. I'm back for more! The only difference in this game is that you are ONLY the Chosen One. Here's your Buffy bio to fighting!

When it comes to fighting in this game, Buffy is better with charging attacks, like the RUSHING SPIN KICK COMBO (L-stick in desired direction + A A A) or the RUSHING RIGHT CROSS COMBO (L-stick in desired direction + X X X). When you get farther in the game, I highly suggest using the REAPER BLADE.

Buffy is best with quick moves as opposed to using special weapons. Special weapons include RAKES, POOL CUES, BASEBALL BATS, SHOVELS, MOPS, PUSHBROOMS, etc. The moves Buffy executes using these special weapons take much too long, giving demons the chance to smack you silly. Stick with a WOODEN STAKE in the beginning and then move on to the REAPER BLADE.

KEEP YOU ENEMIES GUESSING. In boss fights, if you keep using the same combos, they'll figure out how to block you. Mix it up! It's ok to do a combo two or three times, but even three is pushing it.

LEARN TO BLOCK! This can be done by holding the R-button.

LEARN CLEARING MOVES. If you're surrounded, these will save your life. These can be executed by pulling the L-stick away from your primary enemy and pressing eith X or A at the same time you pull the L-stick.

LEARN SUPER SLAYER MOVES. Build up your Slayer Power to the max and kick some demon ass!

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