
Def Jam: Fight for NY Cheats...

  Def Jam: Fight for NY Walkthroughs

   Bling Bling: Better than you t...
   Crack on your side...
   Easy Wins...
   Fight D-Mob...
   Fight Snowman...
   Fight Stingray...
   Free for All tips...
   Inferno Match...
   Rewards Points...
   Snowman glitch...
   Song: Afterhours by Nyne...
   Song: Anything Goes by CNN...
   Song: Bust by Outkast...
   Song: Chopshop by Baxter...
   Song: Comp by Comp...
   Song: Dragon House by Chiang...
   Song: Get it Now by Bless...
   Song: Koto by Chiang...
   Song: Man Up by Sticky Fingaz...
   Song: Move by Public Enemy...
   Song: Original Gangster by Ice...
   Song: Poppa Large by Ultramagn...
   Song: Sieze the day by Bless...
   Song: Take a look at my life b...
   Song: Walk with Me by Joe Budd...
   Song; Lil' Bro by Ricbyobyche...
   Special Fight...
   Subway Match Glitch...
   Tips on Defeating crow...

Bling Bling: Better than you thought

If you're trying to get the crowd on your side, and get your Blazin! meter up, nothing works better than some solid-diamond bling bling. Bling bling covers Chains and Earings. Get a diamond cross, or double cross, some diamond studs and the crowd'll eat you up.

Crack on your side

After story mode, you'll enter many tournaments. One fun one is a tag tournament. In this, Crack is your partner, and is a VERY tough guy.

Easy Wins

At any place that has a wall, baricade or pole that you can slam your foe into, use in excess. These do MASSIVE damage, and can really tire out your opponent. Once you've knocked him senseless, you should have your special, and he should be in danger. Pt two and two together and KO him.

Warning: You can only pick them up to repeat a move once at a time, so trying to pick somone up twice can have bad results.

Fight D-Mob

To fight D-Mob, you must first beat story mode. He'll be the last special foe you face afterwards. He's surprisingly, not that tough.

Fight Snowman

To fight our favorite S.U.S. manager, you must enter one of the free-for-all tournaments held in the subway once you finish the Story. In the last round, you can fight him.

Fight Stingray

To fight our favorite barber, you need to enter one of the free-for-all tournaments after completing story mode. He appears in two different matches.

Free for All tips

When you begin a free for all tournament, only one man will be after you. Keep it like that. Beat the living daylights out of him, and let the other two fight. You should have around 70% health left. The other two will be killing each other. Wait until there is one left. He'll have low health, and you'll have the oppurtunity to taunt beforehand, so you have a nice Blazin! move ready for him.

Inferno Match

The inferno match can either be the easiest, or hardest match you'll fight. To make it the easiest, simply run and attack the guy, and knock him into the flames. Continue to punch your crispy foe for excessive damage,a nd continual fire damage. He'll be KOed without a Blazin! move or anything.

Rewards Points

Go to the cheat menu in extras and enter the following codes:

100 reward points: DUCKETS
100 reward points: CROOKLYN
100 reward points: GETSTUFF
100 reward points: THESOURCE
100 reward points: NEWJACK

Snowman glitch

When fighting Snowman after Story mode in a subway match, throw him infront of the train and finish the match. Go to S.U.S., and guess who?

A zombie? Nope... just a glitch.

Song: Afterhours by Nyne

Enter LOYALTY as a code.

Song: Anything Goes by CNN

Enter MILITAIN as a code.

Song: Bust by Outkast

Enter BIGBOI as a code.

Song: Chopshop by Baxter

Enter CHOPPER as a code.

Song: Comp by Comp

Enter CHOCOCITY as a code.

Song: Dragon House by Chiang

Enter AKIRA as a code.

Song: Get it Now by Bless

Enter PLATINUMB as a code.

Song: Koto by Chiang

Enter GHOSTSHELL as a code.

Song: Man Up by Sticky Fingaz

Enter KIRKJONES as a code.

Song: Move by Public Enemy

Enter RESPECT as a code.

Song: Original Gangster by Ice T

Enter POWER as a code.

Song: Poppa Large by Ultramagnetic MCs

Enter ULTRAMAG as a code.

Song: Sieze the day by Bless

Enter SIEZE as a code.

Song: Take a look at my life by Fat Joe

Ente CARTAGENA as a code.

Song: Walk with Me by Joe Budden

Enter PUMP as a code.

Song; Lil' Bro by Ricbyobyche

Enter GONBETRUBL as a code.

Special Fight

Along the storyline of the game, you not only get to choose a girlfriend, but are given the oppurtunity to cheat on her. Once you're given the option to cheat, the one you selected and the other will exchange some "pleasant dialouge" and you'll be entered in a catfight. Its just like a regular match... that is, unless you get distracted ;).

Subway Match Glitch

This is an unpreventable glitch, and happens randomly.

Whenever playing a subway match, you can do a Blazin! move and knock your opponent in front of the train, in a nice cutscene. Be warned, sometimes this cutscene engages in an infinite loop, and there is no other option but powering off.

Tips on Defeating crow

When your match with Crow begins,. he'll begin with a weapon. This is a huge potential hazard. Get up by pressing L, and some other buttons to kick him. Grapple him, still knocked back to relieve him of his weapon. The rest of the beating is up to you.

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