
Dr. Muto

Dr. Muto Cheats...

  Dr. Muto Walkthroughs

   Aquem: Shortcut...
   Cheat Codes...
   Easy Isotopes...
   Easy Vials...
   Flush the toilet...
   Junkyard: Health and producer ...
   On web on ground...

Aquem: Shortcut

On the Aquem level, there is a waterfall near the beginning. Walk through it, and you will find yourself at the end of that part of the level.

Cheat Codes

Code - Effect

GOTHCHICK - ''Carpe Nocturn!''
BIGDADDY '- 'Forshnizzle my Nizzle, baby.''
DISTURBING - ''Hoisted by my own petard!''
MADKING '- 'I ain't dead, I swear!''
CHOPSUEY - ''I know Kung-Fu''
STIG '- 'I'm in a fricking game!''
BLUEPILL - ''Just how far the rabbit hole goes''
CYBERDOC - ''Must I do everything myself, Doctor?''
PARTYDOC - ''Nice tan!''
MINISCOT - ''Play as a Circus Freak''
HOTGREGMA - ''Riiiiiight...a chip buttie please!''
QUEPASA - ''Say hello to my little friend''
GROOVYBABY - ''So wrong, Mon''
SWITCHOFF - ''Unit X18 loading Muto program...''
HOLLOWDOC - ''What a big brain!''
RELOAD - ''You are all just wannabes.''
TINKERTOY - Every Gadget
BEAMMEUP - Go Anywhere
NECROSCI - Invincibility
CHEATERBOY - Never Take Damage
LOGGLOGG - Secret Morphs
HOTTICKET - See Movies
BUZZOFF - Super Ending
EUREKA - Unlock Morphs

Easy Isotopes

Zap the television in Muto's house to get 10 Isotopes.

Easy Vials

In the junkyard, zap the dogs and vials will appear. Then, shoot them to get two more.

Flush the toilet

To flush the toilet, zap it for a second until you hear a flushing noise.

Junkyard: Health and producer picture

Go to the Junkyard ending transloader. There are some pools of gook. Enable the "Invincibility" or "Never take damage" code. The car in the third pool sinks when you get on it. Once you get on it and it sinks, turn into a mouse. After the car comes back up, a picture of Bob appears along with some health bottles (not vials). Each one is worth five vials. Get the first two. Jump on Bob to get the last three.

On web on ground

Get to the part when you are scaling a web as the spider morph trying to find the switches to open the force fields to three turrets to destroy the Gomatron. When you see a platform with SOBs, bungee attack them from the web. When you get to the ground you should be stuck where you are, and the enemies will interact with you there, However your eggs will go to the webbing that you were on.

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