
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes

Exceed maximum weight carried

This trick allows you to carry as many thousands of pounds of items as you can possibly muster on your character. First, get as many strength altering items (Ogre gear) on your character as possible. Next, load up with as much junk as you can carry and reach your weight limit. Then, hold L + A + Y to display the cheat entry prompt and enter the PAQUIN (Tome Of Lessons) code. A Tome Of Lessons will be created in your inventory. Repeat this step as many times as desired by selecting the "Accept" button repeatedly. Notice that items created in this fashion do not add to your burden. Next, drop all of those heavy tomes. You will notice that the game will think that you dropped the weight. You are carrying all that you were before, but the game states that you are carrying 0 lbs.

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