
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Game Of The Year, The

Legendary Marksman Locations

Daedric Longbow- Found on either, Golena Sadri (see Mace of Slurring), Maelkashishi's Forgotten galleries or go to Vassir-Didant cave, go in and out, go to Vivec, St. Olms, Haunted Manor, go talk with Dram Bero and pick Marksman for his weapon selection.

Bow of Shadows- In Venim Ancestral Tomb, kill Gorris the Maggot King and his apprentice and look on the table to the left of them. The bow should be on that table.

Bonebiter Bow of Sul Senipul- In the main quest, do the quest for the Ashkan of the Urshilaku, go to the Urshilaku Burial Grounds and reach the highest burial chamber to fight the wrath of Sul Senipul. Kill it for the bow.

Auriel's Bow- In Ghostgate, Tower of Dawn, go up the stairs in the main plaza and talk to the man on the right with no helmet. Kill him for the bow.

Dart(s) of Judgment- On a bed in Llethri Manor.

Poisongrip Arrows- Kill Golena Sadri for 5.

Ebony Arrows of Slaying- ---WARNING--- These arrows do 5,000 damage! This is not a typo! 5,000 damage! They can be found in the "hollow" tree stump with the shadowsting, Opposite to the entrance to Thirsk.

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