
Enter The Matrix

Spark's training construct

Start a new game under who you want to play Spark's Training Construct as Niobe or Ghost. Wait for all the FMV sequences to finish and save your game when prompted by selecting "Yes". Exit back to the main title screen, with the "Load Game", "New Game", "Options", and "Hacking" options. Select "Hacking". Load the saved game that was just saved. When asked to press a key, do so to clean the system. Your should now be at the "A:\" prompt. Type "CHEAT" followed by a space, then "13D2C77F" Your screen should have "A:\CHEAT 13D2C77F" displayed. Press "Enter". A message stating that you have unlocked a bonus level will appear. This actually refers to Spark's Training Construct. Exit hacking by going to "Exit" in the command list and choosing "Y" (for yes) and pressing "Enter". Save your progress by answering "Yes". Go to "Load game" at the main menu. Look for "Spark's Training Construct" and go there. You can also indicated that it should be the game you just saved; load this. The game will bring up levels you completed. Move to the right until "Spark's Training Construct" appears in view and load it. If prompted, insert the next game disc. You should now be in the hallway full of doors after it loads. Move forward and go to the second red door you see on your right. > Open it and you will now be in a gym where training takes place. Go forward until you see buttons on the wall. Press the left button first. Training will begin. Grab all the weapons behind you and blast your enemies.

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