Easy experience
For easy experience go to the prison path were the undead keep spawning and put on the pysical shield spell but make sure you have at least 100 will potions. keep killing the undead until you have a 200 - 300 combat multiplayer and use these potions
Ages of might potion - which gives you strengh experiance
Ages of skill potion - which gives you skill experiance
Ages of will potion - which gives you mana experiance
The potions gives you 1000 times your combat multiplayer for example if you have a combat multiplayer of 300 and you use ages of might potion it gives you 300,000 strengh experiance.
Plus evry time you kill an undead i think you get about 12 renown points and 5 good points so after youve finished killing you have maxed your whole character
You will be fully maxed on:
But some will spells like berserk and heal life need to have a certain morality to max the spell so you have to be full evil to max some spells and full good to max some others.