
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Easy money in Whetstone

Go to the top of Mt. Chiliad and go behind the RVs. Pick up the parachute and get on the mountain bike, which will start a challenge. Go off the ramp to the right and get off of your bike in mid-air. Pull the parachute and you will not hit the ground, but instead be put back on the bike with the chute still open. You can keep going off the ramp repeatedly to get as much money as desired. Go to the top of Mt. Chiliad. There should be cars, a bike, and a parachute. Get on the mountain bike and it will start a mission. Instead of doing the mission, go forward and you should see a flag with a ramp next to it. Get on the bike, go very fast, and jump off the ramp. Once you are going down, the screen should blur. Do not jump off the bike; just keep going and you should respawn back on the mountain. You will get an insane jump bonus for about $300. Repeat this to get as much money as desired.

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