
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Fun with Hydra

Enable the "Cars fly away" code. Then, spawn a Hotring racer and get in. While in the car, spawn a Hydra. Gently bump the Hydra with the car enough to get the front tire off of the ground. Get out of the car and get in the Hydra. You will shoot into the air vertically without having to touch any buttons. With the "Cars fly away" code enabled, you will continue to rise past the game's ceiling. After about five minutes of rising, jump out. Immediately pull and release your parachute so that you are free falling again. While falling, spawn a Jetpack. It will not appear until you hit the ground. Enable the "Health, armor, and money" code. While falling repeatedly, spawn a Hydras as fast as possible until the ground comes into view. Hit the ground with full health and armor and you will survive with almost no health. When you get up, the Jetpack will spawn. Immediately fly away from where you landed and look up in the air where you fell from. A tower of Hydras will soon fall to earth, one after another like a bomb run.

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