Outskirts roof secret-coop
Go to where the first lot of covenent come from across the street. go up the lane turn left.you will see a pile that looks like rubbish. get one player to stand on the pile of rubbish, then the other player jumps on his head then jump again straight away to jump onto a little ledge.then just walk around until you find where you would like to sniper some covent.you can also go to a spot where the level ends and there is nothing but grey, you can walk around there.To get there you will need to go from the ledge onto the roof straight ahead walk along there turn right go straight and jump onto another ledge.you should be able to find your way from there or you can go somewhere else.To get the other player uponto the rooftop the player that is already up there must stay on the roof while the second player kills themself or dies,then you will resporn behind the first player on the rooftop.