
Halo 2

Rocket Lunge

This is one of the best 'glitches' in Halo 2, it allows you to explore maps in places you have never been before. It's called the Rocket Lunge. You will need at least 2 people, on opposite teams or in free for all, you will also need a Rocket Launcher and a Lightning Sword. This is easiest to do by creating your own game variant, with maximum shields and damage resistance, starting weapons as a Rocket and Lightning Sword. Get the Rocket Launcher out and get the 2nd player to stand about 50 metres away from you, with an unobstructed view. Once you have this done and have the Rocket Launcher out, follow these steps as fast as possible, look at the 2nd player, making the Rocket's reticule red, make sure its not zoomed in, and as quickly as possible, press Y and very quickly double tap the Right Trigger. If you have done this correctly you will lunge at the 2nd player at the same speed as if you where standing close to them. If this doesn't work first time, perservere, even after mastering this everybody has times that they just can't do it. Keep at it, and if it doesn't work, just keep doing it faster.

Try this at different heights from each other, you can fly all over the maps. As long as the unzoomed Rocket reticule is red, it WILL work.

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