Warthog Jump
Similar to the Rocket Lunge, the Warthog jump is another way to take advantage of the Lightning Sword's power.
This will work on ANY map, anywhere.
2 Players are needed. In this example we will be on Zanzibar. Get a Warthog (doesn't matter which type) and park it near the Sea Wall Cave opening, behind the rocks and facing the small structure opposite with the Sniper rifle on top of it.
Get the Lightning Sword and then get in the passenger side of the Warthog. Look across the map to the giant fan, if you can place the aiming reticule on top of the whole fan, you have parked the Warthog in the right spot.
Now, get the 2nd player to walk up to you and stand about 1 foot away from you. You should be able to get a red reticule lock on him with the sword. Now, swipe at the 2nd player with the sword. Nothing at all should have happened, you should have just heard the swipe sound and your player should not have moved at all, if he did, try again and make sure you have a lock on him first.
Now once you have swiped at him, get the 2nd player to run to the other side of the map. Now aim up above the fan, right onto it's roof, or outer shell, whatever you want to call it. Once the 2nd player has finished moving, get out of the Warthog.
You should be flung right up to the top of the fan, and if you have positioned your aim correctly, should be standing up there.
If not, try, try, try again. Once you have swiped at the 2nd player, press no other buttons, just look above the fan and get out of the car pressing X.
This little Glitch will work on any map, pointing in any direction at all.
If you want to get further just get the 2nd player to run further away from you after you've swiped him. If you want to not go as far, just get the 2nd player to run shorter than before.
You can get into many suspect places in most maps that were never meant to be.
If you want the 2nd player to be able to get up there with you, just use the Rocket Lunge, as instructed above.