
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders

Easy experience

When you reach the fourth or fifth mission with Gerald, you will be told you must trap Regneir's men by using Fire Arrows with your archers. You will immediately start fighting Regneir's men (Orcs). After awhile, Hugh tells you to move your archers back to the green area. After that, you must retreat (Hugh will tell you when) with the rest of your infantry. When your infantry reaches the green area with Hugh's troops close behind you, set your Fire Arrows at the wooded area that is highlighted red. No matter how well you do this, you will usually only kill a group of Regneir's infantry, and before the blaze Regneir's main line will emerge from the flames. You will be cast into another fight. You will find that Regineir is not a Orc to be messed with. He is level 50, and one hit from him takes one quarter of your health. Do not fight him. When Hugh tells you to retreat to the King to protect him, only move your infantry; you will have to tell all of your troops to retreat. Move your infantry only near the green area. Do not go into the green area. Instead, just go directly next to it. The King will be behind you and be safe. After you tell your men to retreat, cancel your archers from retreating. Set them a good distance away from the Hugh and Regneir fight, then tell them to attack Regneir. You will not see the health meter go down a large amount, but after awhile (about ten to fifteen minutes), Regneir will be defeated. Hugh will just stand there. Move your archers to the green area along with the rest of your infantry waiting next to the green area. At the end of this mission, you should get an exceptional amount of gold and experience.

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