Recycling Machines
On any level that has a "Recycling Machine" that tears up anything within range (for example, any of the Sloghut levels), as Abe you can pick up your friends or enemies and throw them in. In the Sloghut levels, there is a machine that Munch controls that can pick people up. Pick up all the Slogs and drop them outside of their pens. Then, before they are killed, drop the Sligs inside the pen. Next, pick up one and move it around. Notice the Slogs on the ground always chase its shadow. Hold the Slig so that its shadow is over the recycling machine and watch the slogs run into it. When they are all dead, drop the Sligs in it. On any other level, have Abe call all of his friends then switch to Munch. Have him
call all his friends. Note that Abe and his buddies follow you. Go near some enemies. As soon as the enemies see you, call your friends again and run into the recycling machine. What follows is a nice massacre killing Munch, the Fuzzles following him, Abe, the Mudokens following him, and any enemies that ran into the machine. If Munch ever gets too close to the machine while he is riding his wheelchair, the wheelchair will get destroyed, but Munch will be flung safely from harm.