
Red Dead Revolver

Defeating Mr. Black

Take a rifle, and not a shotgun, on this mission. Start by making sure that all of his men are dead. You can either shoot them yourself or stand behind them and let Mr. Black kill them. Once all of them are dead, run to the far back-left corner. There is a small brick wall to hide behind. Once you are hidden, wait for him to get through firing his gun. Then, once you find him, zoom in and take your shots. Repeat this until you kill him.

This opponent's weak spot is when he is done shooting. Immediately when he stops shooting, shoot him with the repeater rifle, the revolver, or the twin revolvers. Do not use the sawed off shotgun -- you will not have enough time to retreat after he gets out of his daze.

Take the owl rifle and the revolver. When the level begins, try to shoot as many of his henchmen in the head with the revolver (one shot kill). At the same time, there is a tree to the right of you. Attempt to make you way toward it. Mr. Black will help and take out a couple of his own men when he attempts to shoot you. After you get behind the tree, switch to the rifle. It is important to keep the tree between you and Mr. Black as much as possible. You can shoot your entire clip at him, and duck behind the tree. Usually he will not fire back. He will be stunned and you can get almost your entire clip off before he shoots back. If he does, the tree is between you and him, giving you cover. After he finishes shooting, pop out and shoot him immediately. It seems to inflict the most damage per hit.

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