Hint 4
An easy way to get money very quickly is to open a roller coaster that you would price very high. Then, wait for the people to pay for the ride and get on. Pause game play, close the ride, open the ride, and the people that paid for the ride will get off very quickly so that more people can get on. Build a souvenir shop and set the umbrella price to $20 and people will buy it when it rains. Once the monorail is available to build, make a plot of land with a few paths linked together. Do not link these paths to any other path. Make sure this is enough to sustain about 20 to 40 guests. Build many rides and shops in this space that you do not have elsewhere in your park; perhaps repeat some of the rides people love (such as slides and shuttle loops). Hire a mechanic and a handyman (and an entertainer and a security guard if desired). It also helps to add some scenery. Then, build your monorail linking this secluded patch of land to your main park. Make sure the price of the monorail is reasonable, or you will be dealing with some unused rides. Guests will pay to get to your lovely patch of land, and they will have to pay to get out. When it rains, put out a lot of information desks or souvenir shops out. Set the price for an umbrella very high.