
Torture guests

Create an incredibly long path that leads to nowhere. When you have lots of guests walking on the path, delete a square at the beginning so that if they try to go back they will find themselves trapped. They will be forced to do nothing but walk back and forth endlessly. Wait until they are exhausted and have to go to the bathroom. When they cannot stand it anymore, add a couple of benches, one bathroom, and one restaurant. Watch how desperate they are to eat, sit, and use the bathroom. When they have used the bathroom and eaten and rested, delete the benches, restaurant, and bathroom. Watch them suffer all over again. Repeat every so often. For added fun, have paths lead to each other haphazardly, so they do not know where they are going. Make the paths cover the entire park area. The guests will be thoroughly confused, tired, and miserable. Open up a single bathroom at the end of a long, winding, zigzag path after several guests are running around holding their stomachs. Wait until they are all hunched over with misery and fatigue, then suddenly put up a cotton candy or popcorn stand (but do not wait so long that you no longer have any funds remaining). Suddenly, you will see all the guests walking around with cotton candy and popcorn. During the game you may encounter objectives that require you to have a certain amount of guests. Use the following trick to have fun
during the process and torture your guests. To keep your guests, make a hole at the "Exit" station. All of your guests will fall into the hole and have no other option but to stay in your park. However, this will make your guests unhappy, hungry, etc. Raise a small area of land and put water all around it. Find the sickest guest in your park put them, on the land, and fill it up with entertainers. Build at least a 5x5 island with or without restaurants, bathrooms, stalls, etc. And after you do that, go through your guests, find some really mad ones, and put them there.

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