Make second Malak battle possible
These are the things you might consider doing to over-prepare youself for the second Malak battle: Aquire Qel Droma robes from Shyrak Cave on Korriban, get mastery in force drain, get mastery in flurry, aquire a lot of life support packs, make sure you have the best crystals in your lightsaber, and get mastery in two-handed weapons. The Qel Droma robes is the strongest armour that isn't restricted to some force powers. Force drain will allow you to heal yourself by draining the jedi after you have weakened Malak the first time. Master flurry does an extra attack and is very powerful. Life support packs are the strongest healing kits in the game. Once a turn you can go to the items in the pause manu and use a life support pack and not use up a turn. You will want the best crystals in you saber, because you'll fight Malak alone. Two-handed weapons mastery make a big difference in the damage that you do.