
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Infinite Light/Dark Side Points

First, as long as you do not fail the persuading check you can repeat for ever. Second, you can gain infinate light or dark side points as you wish.

> "What can you tell me about Datooine?"
> "What do you know of the ruins?"
> "Tell me about how the Enclave came to be ruined."
> "Sith invasion?"

This brings the memory overflow and the reset.

> "[Computer] Droid, run a self diagnostic and report."
> "[Repair] Fix the droid's memory unit."

This brings the old man running over asking if the droid called you a Jedi.

> "No, you must be mistaken."

Now you can persuade or force persuade (ends conversation)

> "[Persuade] The droid is obviously malfunctioning. Do i look like a Jedi?"

If you can succed you get more conversation options:

> "Why do you hate the Jedi?" - old man laughs at you
> "But the Jedi are the protectors of common folk like yourself." - LSP
> "Yes. I hate the Jedi too." - DSP
> "I'll be going now" - nothing

Now that the conversation is over, you can talk to the droid again and repeat until either you get bored or fail the persuade check.

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