Enter TIGERMOBILE as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry. All accessories with a previous 'Password Required' status will now be unlocked.
Adidas Items
Enter 91treSTR as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Adriana 'sugar' Dulce
Enter SOSWEET as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Alastair 'captain' Mcfadden
Enter NICESOCKS as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
All Clubs, players and clothing
Go to password screen menu then enter SNATCH as a case-sensitive code. tiger wood will say "oh yeah!" to comfirm correct code entry.
All Courses
Enter THEWORLDISYOURS as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
All Golfers And Courses
Enter THEGIANTOYSTER as a case-sensitive code.
All Skills
Enter NIGHTGOLFER as a case-sensitive code.
Aphrodite Papadapolus
Enter TEMPTING as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Arnold Palmer
Enter THEKING as a case-sensitive code.
Ben Hogan
Enter THEHAWK as a case-sensitive code.
Bev 'boomer' Bouchier
Enter THEBEEHIVE as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Billy 'bear' Hightower
Enter TOOTALL as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Bunjiro 'bud' Tanaka
Enter INTHEFAMILY as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Callaway Items
Enter cgTR78qw as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Ceasar 'the Emperor' Rosado
Enter LANDOWNER as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Cleveland Items
Enter CL45etUB as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Dion 'double D' Douglas
Enter DDDOUGLAS as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Double Eagle Trouble Trophy Ball
If you are having trouble getting the Double Eagle Trouble Trophy Ball, use the following setup at Coeur D'Alne #15.
Eagle Hunt Trophy Ball
To acquire the Eagle Hunt Trophy Ball you must find out which Par 5 holes you have not Eagled yet in the "Tracking" section. Once you determine which holes you need, make them the hole selections in your Dream 18 course. Do not worry
about the ranking of the course, as that does not effect anything when you play a Dream 18 event during the "Regular Season". When play your "Regular Season" Dream 18 event, Eagle your desired par 5 holes. Press Start and quit. You will be prompted to save. Do so and work on your next set of holes to Eagle. You will get credit for the hole, plus the hole for and Eagles you make. If you are having trouble with one hole, you can make it your hole selection eighteen times. Once
you have gotten all your Eagles and saved your progress, go back and fix your holes to the original way you had your Dream 18 set up.
Eagle on the Emerald Dragon 7th hole Par 5
In the Create A Course screen, create a course comprised completely of the Emerald Dragon 7th hole (Par 5). Play it in Traditional Game, Stroke Play mode. If you have enough Power in your attributes, you can clear the gully on your tee
shot. Aim for large rock in the rough on the edge of the right side of where the fairway begins on the other side of the gully. For your second shot, use Black to put the ball forward in your stance and use a 5W. You should be able to get on the green in a couple of tries. Use Tiger Vision to secure the Eagle. You may need to set the wind to "Windy" to be certain to clear the gully.
I find that if you go back and do the people you have beaten you will earn extra money.
Easy Money
Create two profiles, get a decent amount of cash in each profile's bank. Now play a 2 player match play. Play 9 holes to make it quicker. Simply wager the highest amount possible between the profiles. Have one player concede each hole and
then only save the winning profile, reload the old profile for the loser, no money lost!
Full power up meter
Pull the swing back and hit Power a few times. When it gets all the way back, wiggle the Left Analog-stick slightly to the left and right. While wiggling it, press Power until it is full. Once it is full, make sure the Left Analog-stick is in the middle before pressing Forward or you will hook it.
Gary Player
Enter BLACKKNIGHT as a case-sensitive code.
Hunter 'steelhead' Elmore
Enter GREENCOLLAR as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Jack Nicklaus
Enter GOLDENBEAR as a case-sensitive code.
Jeb 'shooter' Mcgraw
Enter SIXSHOOTER as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Justin 'the Hustler' Timberlake
Enter THETENNESSEEKID as a case-sensitive code.
Kendra 'spike' Lovette
Enter ENGLISHPUNK as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Maxfli Items
Enter FDGH597i as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Nike Items
Enter YJHk342B as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
No Flag for Putts
Hate having the flag in the way when lining up a putt from the rough? Switch shots (press 'X' button) until you get back to your putter; the flag will be gone.
Odyssey Items
Enter kjnMR3qv as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Ping Items
Enter R453DrTe as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Precept Items
Enter BRi3498Z as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Raquel 'rocky' Rockers
Enter DOUBLER as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Reginald 'reg' Withers
Enter REGGIE as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Seve Ballesteros
Enter THEMAGICIAN as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Sunday Tiger Woods
Enter NEWLEGEND as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Tag Items
Enter cDsa2fgY as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Tiffany 'tiff' Williamson
Enter RICHGIRL as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Tourstage Items
Enter TS345329 as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.
Unlimited Tiger Vision
Go to practice and play your round. The tiger vision will always remain at 4/4.
Wind Sound Always Present
Enter ROAR as a case-sensitive code. Tiger Woods will say 'Oh yeah!' to confirm correct code entry.