Arcade League (Elite) bonuses
One Shot Thrills
Babes in the Woods: Jo-Beth Casey (Gold)
Double Bill: Beetleman, The Impersonator (Gold)
Nikki Jinki Bricky: Nikki, Jinki (Gold)
Duel Meaning
If I'm Ugly-You Smell!: Mikey Twoguns, Jared Slim (Platinum)
Golem Guru: Fat Characters (Gold), Kypriss (Platinum)
Golden Thighs: High Priest, Aztec Warrior (Platinum)
Frantic Series
Hangar's Hat's Off!: Henchman, Dark Henchman (Gold)
Can't Please Everyone...: Maiden, Changeling (Gold)
Big Top Blowout: Mr. Giggles (Silver), Stumpy (Gold)
Team Series C
Bags Of Fun: Ringmistress, Big Hands, Slow Motion Deaths (Gold)
They're Not Pets!: Baby Drone, Bear (Gold)
Nice Threads: Small Heads, Compound level (Bronze), R-One-Oh-Seven (Gold)
Sincerest Form Of Flattery
Aztec The Dino Hunter: Dinosaur (Gold)
Half Death: Drone Splitter (Gold)
Dead Fraction: Jebediah Crump (Silver)