
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Opportunity Objectives - Hokkaido

Disable all microphones in residence. Microphones can be found in EM or thermal vision mode, but they are quite scattered all over the place, so be on the look-out for them.

The first room with a phone after two guards talk about ninjas. It's behind a wall scroll.

Past the ofuro (hot tub) room and kitchen, Fisher overhears two guards talking about bugs. It is in the dining area (remember this is Japan, so don't look for chairs) that overlooks a small garden area with bamboo plants. The kitchen and a bathroom are nearby. The microphone is again behind a wall scroll.

In the area where a Buddha statue is. Look for the microphone next to a phone in the bedroom. Note that Milan Nedich's phone conversation can be heard throughout this area (past the large garden), in case you're completely lost.

After assassinating Nedich, Fisher drops into the servants' quarters. Look around the room with the big screen television talking about the North American tree slug and cut out the microphone behind the wall scroll.

In the servants' quarters, look into one of their rooms (same general area as #4). Behind a wall scroll.

Locate the art studio (the room with an easel) past the servants' garden. The microphone is behind a wall scroll.

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