Opportunity Objectives - Penthouse
The bonus objectives in the computer geek's penthouse are six thermographic cameras that need to be tapped. Note that Fisher cannot hide from these cameras since they can see in the dark. Use nightvision to detect their cone of vision or fry their systems temporarily using the DCP.
Past the half contructed area and the PC with the architectural plans is a small flat rooftop with stairs leading into the rest of the penthouse. Redding will contact Fisher about the cameras here, so the camera in question is rather obvious.
In a portico (small yard on the roof) under a trellis (wood beams overhead). This is past the guard listening to some bad rock music in a guest room.
In a hallway leading to a busted lift. This hallway is adjacent to the living room and camera #4.
In the living room. The tapestries literally shows Fisher the path to take.
Bedroom on the second floor.
Inside the greenhouse on the second floor.