
Tony Hawk's Underground 2

How to create Luigi

Head Options:

Choose Face: Head B
Facial Hair: Handle Bars
Facial Hair Color: Black

Choose Hats: Golf Cap
Hat Color: Green
Choose Hat Hair: Hair Medium 3
Hat Hair Color: Black

Torso Options:

Shirt Style:
Choose Shirt Style: Jersey Longshirt
Shirt Main Color: Blue
Shirt Second Color: Green

Choose Gloves: Boxing Gloves
Gloves Color: White

Leg Options:

Choose Pants: Suit Pants
Pants Color: Blue

Choose Shoes: Loafers
Shoe Color: Brown

Scale Options:
Body: In the middle

Head Top: X-Y-Z-All the way to the right

Face: X-75% to the right Y-A little bit more to the right from X Z-All the
way to the right

Nose: X-Y-Z-All the way to the right

Jaw: X-25% to the right Y-75% to the right Z-In the middle

Chest: Almost all the way to the left

Waist: All the way to the left

Biceps: 75% to the right

Forearms: 75% to the right

Hands: All the way to the left

Hope it really looks like him to you!

If you have a cheat for infinite Manual Balance, then E-mail it to me at


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