Successfully complete Wild West part of the story (missions 11 to 15).
Bronze Damage trophy
Get at least 25,000 total damage.
Successfully complete the Prehistoric part of the story (missions 21 to 25).
Successfully complete all the non-Deathmatch challenges faster than Team17.
Get all fifteen trophies.
Gold Damage trophy
Get at least 100,000 total damage.
Greedy Worm trophy
Collect at least 500 total crates.
Hard Hat
Successfully complete the Construction part of the story (missions 1 to 5).
Hot Foot trophy
Successfully dodge at least 500 mines.
Magic Bullet trophy
Kill three worms with one shot.
Mission and Tutorial maps
Successfully complete the mission/level that uses them.
Successfully complete all twenty five missions in time bonuses.
Queen Of Sheeba
Successfully complete the Arabia part of the story (missions 16 to 20).
Rocketeer trophy
Use at least 2,000 total jet pack fuel.
Royal Knight
Successfully complete the Camelot part of the story (missions 6 to 10).
Silver Damage trophy
Get at least 50 000 total damage.
The Beast Within trophy
Get three kills with one animal weapon.
The Bubble Trouble
Buy the "Darksider" scheme.
The Holy Hand Grenade
Buy the "Holy Grail" scheme.
The Icarus Potion
Buy the "Mega Powers" scheme.
The Inflatable Scouser
Buy the "It's a Mystery" scheme.
Weapon Specialist trophy
Get at least 8 000 total damage with the bazooka.
Successfully complete all ten Deathmatch challenges faster than Team17.