
Get Rare Cards

Card Name - How to Get

Dark Necrofear: Duel Odion and pick the Obelisk Statue /or/ Duel Bakura and pick the Ra or Slifer statue

Valkyrion the Magna Warrior: Duel Yami Yugi and sacrifice Beta, Gamma and Alpha to put it in play and pick the Ra /or/ Slifer statue

Exodia Set: Duel Rare Hunter /or/ Grandpa and pick the Slifer and Obelisk statues
Mirror Force: Duel Yami Yugi /or/ Joey and pick the Ra and Slifer statues
Jinzo: Duel Joey and pick the Slifer statue
Magic Cylinder: Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer statue
Red-Eyes Black Dragon: Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Summoned Skull: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk /or/ Slifer statue
B. Skull Dragon: Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Polymerization: Duel Pegasus and pick the Obelisk statue
Gaia the Fierce Knight: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk statue
Cyber Stein: Duel Marik in a Triple or Single duel and pick the Slifer statue
Pot of Greed: Duel Grandpa and pick the Slifer statue
Swords of Revealing Light: Duel Rare Hunter and pick the Slifer /or/ Obelisk statue
Card Destruction: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Obelisk statue
Axe of Despair: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk statue /or/ Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer statue
Monster Reborn: Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer Statue /or/ Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Tribute to the Doomed: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Slifer statue
Change of Heart: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Ra statue
Delinquent Duo: Duel Arkana and pick the Obelisk statue
Dark Hole: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Slifer statue

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