Defeating the Dragon Brothers
In Hailfire Peaks, make the fire dragon destroy the block to find a flight pad. Fly up to the volcano. When battling the fire dragon, make sure you have lots of Ice Eggs. Hide behind the canon while he shoots flames at you and fire an Ice Egg into the small hole in it to attack him. He will then stick out his tongue and drive it around the arena. Just jump to dodge it. The canon can only take three turns of firing; move on to the next one. Repeat the process until he gives up. For the ice dragon, make sure that Kazooie is a dragon so that you can get infinite Fire Eggs. Start the battle the same way as you did with the fire dragon. Shoot into the hole of the canon with fire eggs to damage him. He will stick out his tongue and drive it around the arena. Eventually the canon will lose power. Move on to the next one, but be very careful. His aim is extremely accurate.
Note: The first dragon you fight is easier than the second, whether it be the fire or the ice dragon. If you fight the ice dragon first, the fire dragon will be more difficult, and vice versa.