Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding challenge. These challenges will not show in the barracks.
Challenge | Task
| - Avenge a fallen teammate. 0 experience points.
| - Select killstreak rewards requiring 7, 8, and 9 kills and earn them all. Unknown experience points.
| - Complete all other challenges. Unknown experience points.
| - Kill an enemy with C4 while you are in Last Stand (not Final Stand). 5,000 experience points.
| - Get 2 kills while in Last Stand or Final Stand. 500 experience points.
| - Steal 10, 50, and 200, enemy crates. 1,000 experience points, 3,000 experience points, 5,000 experience points.
| - Get knifed by an enemy wearing this title. 1,000 experience points.
| - Survive in Final Stand long enough to get back up. 1,000 experience points.
| - Get a kill with Martyrdom grenade. 1,000 experience points.
| - Kill an enemy who is priming a grenade. 0 experience points.
| - Get hurt by an enemy, survive and backstab the same enemy. 3,500 experience points.
| - Defuse a bomb right after it is planted while the planter is still alive. 2,000 experience points.
| - Most assists in a game. Unknown experience points.
| - Get nuked by the enemy. 1,000 experience points.
| - Get three kills with three different weapons in one life. 1,000 experience points.
| - Transmission Complete (Knife an enemy wearing this title). 5,000 experience points.
| - Get three kills with your secondary weapon in one life. 1,000 experience points.
| - Avenge the death of 3 teammates in one life. Unknown experience points.
| - Get the Game-Winning Killcam 5, 10, and 20 times. 1,000 experience points, 5,000 experience points, 10,000 experience points.
| - Get a 10 killstreak with no killstreak rewards selected. 2,500 experience points.
| - Take enough damage that would normally kill you with Painkill active. 0 experience points.