

DeathSpank Cheats...

  DeathSpank Walkthroughs

   Avatar Awards...
   Instant Full Justice Meter...
   Menu Hero...
   Unlimited Golden Treasure Ches...

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Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock

Avatar Awards

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award.

AwardHow to unlock

Instant Full Justice Meter

Use block just before an enemy's attack hits you then you'll see the 'Perfect Blocking' and 'Justice Ready' text appear. This fills your meter.

Menu Hero

At Main Menu, go to Settings and choose "Global Setting." Max out the "good" meter and minimize the "evil" one for your Achievement.

Unlimited Golden Treasure Chest Keys

Once you get far enough in the game you will see the '' Wizard's Outhouse '' in the Wizards backyard wich is to the left of the Wizard there's a Kangamoo each time you kill it it drops a key this works over and over. unless they plan on patching this it is still a new game. Wizard's Outhouse is just out of the Haunted Forest.

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