
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The

Bruma Statue Variations

Right after you complete the quest, The Battle of Bruma, you are to meet Martin at Sky Ruler Temple. As soon as you talk to Martin, a statue is erected in your honor in Bruma. You can change what the statue looks like, because as soon as you talk to Martin, the game takes a snapshot, and automatically chooses the best helmet, cuirass, greaves, gauntlets, and boots, and weapon from your inventory. If your best weapon is a bow, it will also choose your best arrows. Knowing this, you can vary what the statue looks like and choose the best looking one to you. To do this just empty your inventory of any clothing or weapon that you do not want to appear in the statue, and save before you talk to Martin. This save is important, so keep it until you find your perfect combonation for your statue.

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