Easy Sneaky in Sewers
Ok, in order to get your sneak skill up quikily and leave the sewers all ready to level up at least once, (by the way this works better if you choose the Theif sign) you need to first follow the king and his guards and defeat the first rat that bashes threw the wall. Then get some of the items in the chest and some other stuff (optinal). If you look sort of to the left of the well with the barrel hanging over it there should be a rat lerking around. If it hasnt already spotted you then go up to the opposite end of the pillar closest to the rat. it will sometimes go around the pillar but slowly and this will work better if he does. the closer to the pillar he is the better. now make sure that you cant see his head or most of his body(if you see his head then he is more likely to see you). try to keep an eye on his tail though as it goes around the pillar. while following him you need to stay crouched down so that you are in sneak mode, and since your level is low your sneak should rise quikily. every now an then though the rat will stand up on its hind legs and sniff around. that is your que to back off a little and see what he does. he will either start
walking in the same direction or turn back towards you. if he turns around then you should go the opposite way around the pillar, making sure that you dont get caught off guard as he turns around. then stay crouched and watch his tail go around until you feel satisfied with the amount of sneak you have.
I usually go to about level 20 or 25 because if i choose the sign of the Theif and choose the attributes and stuff that make my stealth go up then i can have a total of 40 or 50 by the time i leave the sewers.
Note: this will work with any rat where there is a pillar or wall to hide behind, and as your level gets higher the slower it will go up which is why its probably best to stop at level 25.