weak fist strong blade
Don't use weapons on the weaker enemies. when your fists will be more than enough to take care of them. To go between fists and weapons fastly. Press the B button to go to the menu's and use Left and Right trigger buttons to go to depending on what your using. the icon will either be a fist, sword or a bow. Once in this screen use the d-pad to navagite it. And once your on a weapon press and hold the Y button and you'll notice a icon with eight differet slots will appear. Each slot represents one of the eight different directions the d-pad can be used in. While still holding the Y button down press a direction on the d-pad and the weapon will active to that Hotkey. and when playing the game press the same hotkey you put the weapon on and it will make it active. to unactive the weapon just press the same hotkey. Press the X button to sheath and wield your weapons and fists depending on what your using.