Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - You commanded the pet to do a barrel roll.
- All rounder ( 15 points )
| - You played all the activities in free play.
- All the toys ( 30 points )
| - You unlocked all of the activities.
- Award hoard ( 40 points )
| - You won 75% of the Trainers Headquarters awards at bronze or above.
| - You created your first pet.
- Best of friends ( 35 points )
| - You played with a pet every day for a week.
| - You listened to all of the encyclopedia entries.
- Bronze grade pet attendant ( 20 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 3.
- Cabinet large ( 30 points )
| - You won every Trainers Headquarters award on a shelf stack.
- Dedicated follower of fashion ( 20 points )
| - You changed a pet's style 3 times.
- Diamond animal guru ( 40 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 9.
- Do not disturb ( 15 points )
| - You did nothing for long enough that your pet went to sleep.
| - You didn't win any medals in an entire Talent Show.
- Eyes on the prize ( 25 points )
| - You won 25% of the Trainers Headquarters awards at bronze or above.
| - You scored no points during a Talent Show.
- Give us some credit ( 10 points )
| - You watched the credits all the way through.
- Gold grade animal overseer ( 25 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 5.
- Grand high pet master ( 50 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 10.
| - You didn't feed your pet for 5 days in a row.
- Imaginary tiger ( 30 points )
| - You created a cat that looks like a imaginary friend / tiger that only comes to life for you.
- Junior feeder ( 20 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 2.
- Keep on running ( 5 points )
| - You ran straight past the target area in Sit!
- Member first class ( 30 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 6.
- Next to godliness ( 35 points )
| - You washed a pet every day for a week.
- One of everything! ( 50 points )
| - You won all of the Trainers Headquarters awards at bronze or above.
- Owner's got talent ( 20 points )
| - You entered a Talent Show.
- Platinum master trainer ( 30 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 7.
- Poor coordination ( 5 points )
| - You messed up 10 Strike a Pose events in a row.
- Rainbownicorn ( 30 points )
| - You created a horse that looks like a rainbow unicorn.
| - You created a totally red dragon.
- Senior elite keeper ( 40 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 8.
- Silver grade keeper ( 25 points )
| - You reached Trainer rank 4.
- Talent veteran ( 30 points )
| - You attended a Talent Show on every day of the week.
- That's what I was thinking! ( 20 points )
| - You played your pets choice of activity 10 times.
- Tickle time! ( 25 points )
| - You stroked / tickled a pet for 5 minutes.
- Total destruction! ( 20 points )
| - You completely destroyed a cardboard city!
- Trophy legend ( 30 points )
| - You won 50% of the Trainers Headquarters awards at bronze or above.
- Victory is mine! ( 40 points )
| - You won the Main Event two weeks in a row.
- Winning team ( 10 points )
| - You earned a gold award in a Talent Show.
| - You chased a pet for a minute.
- You're ALL my favorite! ( 20 points )
| - You owned a pet of each species.